Thursday 14 June 2012

smash the imperialist intervention in Afghanistan!

as many a keffiyah-wearing protester in a Western capital would say.  And many in Kabul too would agree with him.  You will see here an intelligent piece by the Canadian Lauryn Oates (who knows whereof she speaks re Afghanistan I think you will find) from the Calgary Herald, about the Afghan Parliament's decision on the US-Afghan strategic partnership in late May, and on others' reaction to it.  Posters and flyers appeared in Kabul urging this partnership agreement to be trashed.  But - those posters were quickly defaced and torn down, not by Afghan government goons, but by young people on the streets.  The strategic partnership was voted on and supported by 191 of the 200 MPs, and then ratified by the Senate in early June.  To the tune of denunciations of interference in Afghan affairs.  By Iran.  Which was the source of those flyers and leaflets, and of agitation in Kabul and elsewhere.

In other news, polio has been eradicated in India.  Some time ago in fact.  In Pakistan, jihadis are denouncing vaccination.  Go figure.

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