Friday 10 September 2010

the right thing for the wrong reasons

often causes political wrongs for moral rights.  One example is the Iraq war - the right thing to do but widely condemned beause "Bush and Blair" were seen as the ones doing it.  Longer ago, the savage barbarisms perpetrated in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge and tolerated or apologised for by many on the Left in the same way as "Islamic" crimes against humanity such as honour killings or female genital mutilation are today, were not remedied by the West, and Cambodia has been left impoverished and isolated to this day, because it was rescued by the "wrong" people, the communist Vietnamese.  We see something similar today with the proposed Koran-burning tomorrow, which has been on, off and on again.  The wrong thing to do.  Book-burning of any sort is wrong, and as Mr Dylan sang back in 1975 "If something ain't right, it's wrong".  But not burning books because Muslims might kill people as a result is wrong too.  Should Jews have been put in camps in the UK in the 1930s because Hitler might invade otherwise?  No.  See?  The right thing to do would, perhaps, be to go to that pastor's church in Florida and stand up and denounce the act.  Anyway, for those who have not seen the Jesus and Mo strip, here the boys are on the subject:


Anonymous said...

I was amused to see that Jesus is reading the Guardian.

janestheone said...

he generally does in this strip - Mo prefers "Decanter" magazine or "Burqa Babes". They also both go to the pub and have theological arguments with the barmaid. Moses appears sometimes, but his preferred means of communication is email.

Anonymous said...

Worth a re-read of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Written in the 1960s in makes the relevant points about book burning.

Film of it with Catherine Deneuve is also good.

dreamingspire said...

And I also thought of F 451... And also thought the film very good...